
The Designers Chic

Monday, May 24, 2010

This is "My Mini Moment"

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Dove Ice Cream. All opinions are 100% mine.

For the last two months, I have been complaining about the cold weather in North Dakota. It's very unpredictable! I can only count the days where we have nice and warm weather and I just love it. Suddenly, everything changes. Where did the spring go? I can only imagine what temperature we will have this coming summer time. Summer is really nice up north, no complains about that. Just when some people complain how humid the weather down south, that's the time we are enjoying the cool summer up north.

And when it's summer time, my husband and I have our own "me time" even just for a day. I can just sit in the couch and enjoy Dove Ice Cream Miniatures with 70 calories or less which is really the perfect treat while watching TV. Nothing beats chocolate when it comes to ice cream flavor! I mean, who doesn't love chocolate? Everybody does! It's the perfect treat for me.

It would be nice to have my own "mini moment" this summer. Summer time is just perfect for everything. I can do a lot in just one day. Luckily, DOVE® Ice Cream Miniatures has launched the "My Mini Moment" contest. DOVE® Ice Cream is asking women to share their favorite mini moment of escape and one lucky winner could win one of 3 sensational mini-grand prizes:
  • A mini-getaway to Napa Valley
  • Spa services for a year
  • A mini-home makeover
How cool is that? I want to win all the 2 sensational mini-grand prizes! Here's your chance to win a mini moment! All you have to do is submit a photo and short essay at by June 7, 2010. Everyone has their own idea of what their favorite mini-escape would be. That’s why DOVE® Ice Cream Miniatures has given you three luxuriously indulgent choices. What are you waiting for?

Visit my sponsor: “My Mini Moment” contest

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